dear diary: friday night in fort wayne

Rob Suraci, Susie Suraci, John Minton & Dave Kartholl
We haven't seen the Suraci duo since they last played
at our coffeehouse. We really enjoyed having them, and they
must've played 4-5 times. The only group that played more
I mentioned in the previous post. Although Borders
isn't the best place to hear music (it sounded better from
the back of the store) the Possum Trot Orchestra sounds
and plays very tight. We plan to see them again soon.
The following songs is from their latest cd and was
written and sung by Susie. I must say though, I really
enjoy "Billy" written by John about a War Vet
and will have to put that up sometime.
Also, while waiting to speak to Rob and Susie,
a gentleman who remembered coming into our
coffeehouse came up to us to say hello.
It's always amazing, after what seems like
all these years, people still remember us.

also playing last night at a church nearby,
as was a 12 yr old named Marnee. Unfortunately
we missed her, since we spent more time at Borders.
Nice music, coffee. Looks like you had a wonderful evening last night. Have you ever done any radio? You'd be great putting together a playlist. When I worked, I was the assistant director of Student Media at a UC. We had a bunch of student-produced newspapers and journals, and a 10,000 watt radio station. I took a class on broadcast and FCC rules and regs, and the course final was producing a three-hour radio show. It was great fun. Whenever I stop by here, see your music links and read your poetry and prose, I think, you'd be great on radio. I'd tune in!
Memories both of old and new ones just made are often all we have as time goes by.
robin: Well, while in school, I did look into the Columbia School of Broadcasting. Then I hung out at KSAN a few times with a dj named Bob McClay who has already passed away. He told me how he hung out at a station, the guy djing simply left, and that's how he started. Anyway, a few yrs later, like most things, free=form radio disappeared as the corporations, as they do so well, sucked the life right out of that kind of broadcasting, and the rest is history. Oh, and yes, if possible, and under the conditions of old, I too believe I'd be very good at the vocation! ; )
larry: Nothing wrong with that, eh?
Bonjour Coffee,
The sound of the Possum Trot Orchestra is indeed splendid. Peaceful music, not those shrilly sounds I hear so often.
By the way, Coffee, do you know the singer Logan English("The Days of '49 - Songs of the Gold Rush")?
love the pics and narration...not to mention the music!
it's cool to see your coffeehouse...with the good ol' american flag in the window...would have loved to stop by for a real espresso, done the right way...
ahhh a peek inside!
georg: Thanks and No, I've never heard anything of Logan English! ; (
blue: Yea, the flags! ; ( We would have enjoyed you as a customer! ; )
fred: Hi ya and Thanks for popping in! ; )
I'd love to see (hear) the Possum Trot Orchestra. I wouldn't be surprised if they performed around here in Ithaca, NY...I'd travel there to see them.
I didn't know you're a coffee "barrister" -- that's the right word, yes? And in Fort Wayne? We travel by there (I think) a few times a year to go visit our son in Milwaukee. I'd love to come to drink some coffee with you.
(How bout internet radio?)
Have a peaceful day.
~ RS ~
ruby: Thanks, they're a talented bunch! We used to own our own place, but no longer! It was in Wabash, about 45 minutes away from Ft Wayne. And yes, if we know in advance you'll be swingin' by, we can meet you at the Firefly, their coffee is good. Cheers!
Good music Java Man! Fort Wayne use to be an ol' stopping ground for me. There once was a gal, I dated who lived in Fort Wayne that attended IU in Bloomington. She is now a foregone conclusion (as with all that I have known)but this area, along with Bloomington, are nice places to visit and to live.
Seems we have crossed many a same paths, you and I Java Man!
Mata ne...
hawk: Interesting. I must say, if I grew up here I more than likely would have moved somewhere else also. But after living in the bay area, it's kind of nice to be in the middle of nowhere. I still miss the "quality" of certain aspects of life that aren't found here.
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