Monday, October 15, 2007

dear diary: what about all the "Billys?"


The way of heaven is to benefit others

and not to injure.

The way of the sage is to act

but not compete.

Lao Tzu


Octavian said...

I'm really enjoying your focus on Laozi as of late. I've read the Dao-de Ching many times and I get something new from it every time.

robin andrea said...

I also appreciate your Lao Tzu centered posts. I like brevity and brilliance.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the quiet thoughtfulness of Lao Tzu and the music is simply wonderful.

"Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt."

LET'S TALK said...

You got me on the dali, this is one that I've never seen by him.

RubyShooZ said...

I'm with Octavian. Glad to see the quotes and know the heart is behind it. I also am loving the musical choices as well. And YES, the dali is fantastic. Thank you . I want one too.

Take good care of you, been thinking of you lately.

Peace today.

~ RS ~

Coffee Messiah said...

octavian: You;re too kind and it's always a pleasure to read, isn't it (he)? !

robin: Thanks! ; )

mirth: Agreed!

lets talk: Need to swing by your place's soon.

ruby: Hope you're feeling a bit better these days! ; )

Anonymous said...

I like your new format with Dear Diary. Very clever and smartly done if I may say!


Coffee Messiah said...

hawk: Hi ya and Thanks, I think....