Saturday, February 02, 2008

Been reading this book about the life and times
of the Medici family, and how they accumulated their
wealth, and the interactions between the artists
of that time, and the wealthy few.

As I read further, I'm realizing that from the 1400s
where this books starts off to now, and perhaps even
earlier, nothing has changed between the war of
the classes. Mind boggling when you think
man, his thinking and society has made
so much progress. Or have we?

Illustrated analogy of a human to a house.
Tobias Cohen 1708

(click to enlarge to see calligraphy)
from Illustrated Crusades

Robert Monarcus 1465

To live a creative life,
we must lose our fear,
of being wrong.

Joseph Chilton Pearce

I especially enjoy old books, paper
and illustration, calligraphy and
wonder, if I would not have enjoyed more
those times of the artists and musicians,
over TV and Computers and Vehicles?

Despite the hardships, I always imagine
being around creative people is
always a plus.


Bobby D. said...

It is mind boggling when you sit and think... how can this be?

Unknown said...

Excellent post—and not just because I agree with you on class warfare and the value of antique books and such.

I believe that the conflict between classes can be traced back at least to the Roman Republic and the discord between Plebians and Patricians in the West and the caste system of India in the East.

Unfortunately, unless we are willing to read books such as the one you're reading, most modern folk don't have a clue about what social and economic class is all about.

DivaJood said...

To live a creative life,
we must lose our fear,
of being wrong.

This is the truest statement about a creative life I have seen in ages.

robin andrea said...

The struggle between the classes seems inherent, but not so much that we couldn't think ourselves into a much more equitable way to live. Although, I suspect taking up pitchforks and cudgels as the answer to such ills remains the same through the ages. Pity.

Coffee Messiah said...

dcb: In a nutshell, "oh yeah!" ; (

nick:It all seems so simple, and I'm not sure why a majority do not see and comprehend that those with money and power really should be answering to us, not the other way around.

I just love handmade paper and beautiful calligraphy, although no one has mentioned that fine piece of work yet. ; (

diva: Hi there and Thanks for stopping by! Will be contacting you soon about the previous email.

robin:Amazing, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Well, someone does need to mention handmade paper and beautiful calligraphy! I used to collect books that were reproductions of the illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages. They were wonderful examples of what was once a great art. Those are two superb examples you’ve used to illustrate this post.

Coffee Messiah said...

nick: Thanks and it makes sense you had a fondness for such writings. It's never too late to revel in the art and words of days long gone and mostly forgotten!

Anok said...

I studied the Medici extensively actually - it was part of my senior thesis graduation requirement in college. (Long story).

In a way, I agree that you're right. Classism still exists. On the other hand, professions that are supported today were shunned then, and vice versa. So some things have changed.

One thing I wish hadn't changed though...I would love to be able to do I put this be able to "handle" crooked politicians and otherwise unsavory politicians the way they did in the Medici time period.

Wouldn't that be refreshing?

Cathy said...

Hardships of being around creative people? Hmm, which hardships would those be? The creative people I know vary greatly in their relationship capabilities; some are completely self-absorbed, and others are generous and joyous.

Daniel said...

Hey, Coffee, you are becoming more and more philosophical by the day. You're not a closet Buddhist are you?

I'm attracted to old things too. I live in a hundred and twenty year old homestead with a corrugated iron roof and just love it, specially when it rains! It will outlive me.

Take care!

Coffee Messiah said...

anok: Sounds like you know more about the subject than I ever will. I agree, there are always better thoughts/ideas through time and a lot that needs to be forgotten. To be more precise, the artists, be they writers, bookbinders, paper makers, poets, musicians were more creative and productive is all. With no outer diversions (except for sex and booze etc,I guess) those aspects of life seem to me a plus, as opposed to what we are exposed to now. Thanks for stopping by! And I agree, if those "ways to handle" are good enough for the everyday folks, "politicians" should also accept those end results! Don't hold our breath though, there's always an easy way out for them!$$$$$$$

cathy: Yes, I know some self absorbed types, but most are generous to a fault! ; )

daniel: I ain't saying! ; ) Your house sounds pretty cool! And I just can't help it, I'm too tired of wasting energy on all the BS you can't control. Cheers back at ya! ; )

Bob Dylan said...

nice bit of music--reminds me of an old pal.

Coffee Messiah said...

bd: The bits I've heard are pretty nice. It's a hard album to find it seems.

Miles said...

history has shown us time and again that the more things change, the more they remain the same.

antique books and books in general are beautiful things to behold. i have a small collection of bound antiquities, some not so much for their content, but simply for their beauty.

as for creative people, if i weren't around them it would be a hardship.

Coffee Messiah said...

miles: Thanks for stopping by!

Yes, the history of paper, bookbinding etc, etc is so interesting and I've been seeing (lately) some amazing covers from the early 1800s. Somewhere along the line, I will be posting more on the subject, if anyone is interested.