at Hyde Bros Books in Ft Wayne, when we
had our coffeehouse.
see Archive, Nov 23, '07 about our old place
The power of a mans mind,
are directly proportioned to
the quantity of coffee he drinks.
Sir James Mackintosh (1765 - 1832)
Barack will be in Marion, In tomorrow morning
and at the same time, Hillary will be in Ft Wayne.
Although a bit curious about Obama, to stand in line
prior to 8:30 to get into a small HS gym until 10,
I won't even stand in a line like that for a concert.
Guess I'll have to read all about it in the paper or
watch the evening news.
I bid ya'll a nice, creative weekend!
it does not pay to be hip - shel silverstein
Since Marion is becoming a shell of a city with all the factory closings over the years and the GM plant scheduled to close, this will be a big thing for that faltering town.
Know how you feel. I couldn't even get the motivation to stand in line when John Fogerty came to town. And the venue was only two miles away. My public gathering days are over I guess.
I think standing in line is for teenagers. Just my opinion. Still, I think that Obama going to Marion IN is an important visit.
The book: oh, lordy, that must be quite a funny story. Love Richard Scarry books.
Dennis waits in line for nothing! LOVES the Scarry book though!
Shel was his own worst enemy in that song!
Hello Coffee- i will send you that Klondike book--there is some faint underlining in it, but not much--otherwise in good shape, read it and pass it on--that's what we do.
Yesterday I spent the morning with a blogger visiting from England--very nice (she gave me a gift set of perfumes!) I'm going to send her something later.
None of us will stand in line anymore. That means we're all old.
I would stand in line for wine.
I can't help it--I need to know what the coffee shop disaster was-- Richard Scarry was my childhood fave.
larry: He's in Kokomo and Anderson today as well. And yes, like everywhere out here, jobs disappear faster than you can imagine.
hr9: Too many things can happen is all I think about! ; (
diva: Yes, captures a coffeeshop experience with inept people well.
dennis: Yes, it's even for cats.
dcb: Hey, that's quite nice of you. Do you want the Glenn Gould book? I also have a BBC radio show on CD about him, with his voice I can send also if you're interested. Let me know.
kurt: I don't think it has much to do with age, for me I really don't like to be around obnoxious people, and in lines there always seems to be many....
prof m: Never seen a line for wine, except at a winery.
dcb: Imagine a bad experience at a coffee shop with people who don't know what they are doing. That's it in a nutshell.
Kurt would not like street fairs either-- after about 5 minutes the crowds start to get to me.
I'm with divajood, standing in line is for teenagers. I have to admit though that I stood for several hours to hear bill clinton in 2000. I think that experience informed my opinion about waiting in line. Still it would be nice to hear Obama speak.
Dennis never stands in line--but once he happened by Rudy Giuliani speaking and stopped to listen to the total B.S. --then Dennis quickly moved on.
Have A Good Weekend Coffee.
squirrel: We're the same way. Used to be fun and much more interesting art.
robin: They keep giving a limited number of tickets away. I saw a few photos and they even made the gym smaller to look more intimate. So I think maybe even fewer than 2,000 were even at this event.
dennis: If I saw him, I'd just run. And you're right about the BS! ; (
tony: Thanks & U 2!
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