theme thursday = kitchen
The kitchen is their shrine
the cook their priest
the table their altar
and their belly their god.
Charles Buck

with Mango and Pomegranite Sauce.
My post was going to be something different,
and then, through some research in case
we get a chance to see my family and friends
in the bay area again, I found out that
Avatar had died in 1999.
Sad thing is, we last were in the area
in 1999 prior to opening our coffeehouse,
for the SCAA coffee convention
and had a meal at the Sausalito location.
Evidently he died not long after
that month we were there.
What draws most people to the location
was/is the food, and next was Avatar and his wife,
and now another relative, pictured above.
It's a combination of Jamaican and
Indian cuisine and is most tasty.
And you could never leave without having
a chai and the dessert pictured above.
Although most of us knew he had a heart problem
due to second hand smoke
(he did not smoke himself)
I did not know the whole
story until I found it
I will miss seeing him when
I get a chance to get back!
It was always a pleasure to consume
any food coming out of his kitchen!
Since I do not have time to add the links
for those who played along this week,
you might click on the names in the
comments to see what others have
Glad to see you fixed computer problems and got back on track!
Punjabi Burritos? Now THAT is fusion!
I though you were talking about the Avatar cartoon on Nickelodeon before the photos loaded up.
It's always sad to say goodbye to people and places we love, but they remain forever in our memories!
It is well known where I like to eat, that the frequent customer is often treated the best. After almost ten years of eating at the same place, you get to be like one of the family. Friends like that you tend to keep for life, in good times and bad.
Good Food lives In The Memory (not the belly!)
Bonjour! C.M.,
How very "sad" to learn of your ( friend,) "untimely" death, but yet on the other hand, what a very "fond" remembrance of your friend name Avatar and his eatery called Avatars,
located in Sausalito, Ca.
"Theme Thurday=Kitchen"
On my blog, I posted a review of the 1950 film "The Asphalt Jungle" which was written by my
"self -proclaim mentor" and friend, writer Tony D'Ambra...
...and I also featured a couple of "tidbits" which focus on the family kitchen(s) and how they were featured in these "classic dark" films.
[The meaning of "Dark" Films: Films which were released during the late 1940s and early 1950s known as "Film noire" as coined by the "French"** after the end of WWII and depicted the darker side of "human nature on the screen."]
(*The term was first introduced by French cineaste Nino Frank in 1946)
Dorothy...I don't think that we are in Kansas anymore?!?
DCD ;-)
Tony: I couldn't have expressed that better. If I can remember how well the food was, it'll keep me coming back.
Booksandacupofcoffee: cool blog! I must explore it further. We seem to share many things. It's also opened a window on an overlooked priciple of filmdom. The kitchen plays a prominent role in quite a few movies...and books.
C.M.: My mom would love to get a sample of the ice cream dish you show here. Too bad we are so far away. I've dined on both Indian and Island foods, and this seems to be a very interesting mix. Nothing like that around here.
naj: Hi there and Thanks! Hope all is well your way!
reyjr: I though someone your age would think of Nickelodeon ; )
His whole family is very nice!
Will be by to C UR post!
subtorp77: You are so very right. Which makes you wonder, in the environment we find ourselves in today, why some business people do not understand this!
Thanks and will stop by!
tony: Yes, as we well know! ; )
dcd: Thanks and will be by to see your post! ; )
subtorp: Honestly, as much as I enjoyed the entire meal, I lived for the tiny piece of dessert they made. It was, with all those flavors combined, most delicious!
Their home made Chai was excellent too.
C.M. it's the smaller individual business( be it a diner,farm stand, or smaller bank )that know more about their customers, than the Big Corporations. Not just information, but on a more personal, one-on-one level. How many places can you walk into and they know you by first name, not by number? or if the cook at your favourite place to eat, gives you a free meal because he got an order wrong( why throw out good food?). It's little things like that that the giants of Corporate America have long since forgotten about.
And as far as that dessert goes, I'm not much on mangoes but I'll try anything once. I'm a seasoned world traveller( thanks to the Navy ) and have been exposed to quite a few cultures and their foods. To paraphrase a certain saying; "The world is my kitchen,explore with me a meal"
I can see from these postings that my kitchen ideas need a little work. Thanks for a creative theme. I'm very sorry about your friend!
It's always sad when we learn of the death of someone we know, no matter how well.
Hi dear!
I'm sorry about your friend.
I haven't read that before I did my theme thursday..
Thank you for this theme thursday thing.I did mine very quickly,hope you won't mind,it isn't that good.
Sorry to hear about his death. I always love a well run family business like this.
If he had been a blogger, I wonder what he would have used as his avatar, teehee?
I played along with a kitchen post today.
avatar's death most certainly was a loss to all who knew him and ate at what sounds like a wonderful resturant - a fusion of jamician and indian food, be still my heart!!
I've been thinking about the issue of how do we know who all plays tt - but then I think, sounds like work....and then I stop thinking....posting a comment that one is playing is perhaps the best!
by the way I played!
Punjabi burritoes? That's scary.
My belly is definitely not my god. More like the devil in my case that is.
Sounds like a delicious blend of cuisine and the ice cream... I'd have to eat 3 meals a day there I think while visiting the area. lovely!
Hello Mr. Coffee M:
This is my first time with Theme Thursday.
What a cool thing to organize. Thank you very much!
But I'm not too sure about Punjabi burritos...there's not enough Tums in the world for that combo! ;)
I am very sorry to see you lost your friend.
Please accept my sympathy.
OK , the ice cream looks fabulous but the buzz is on, cm: details about Punjabi burritos, please, if you have them. Made with chapati? chutney and...?
The people want to know. They deserve to know. As a matter of fact, they need to know or they'll go out and concoct their own version of Punjabi burritos. Which could prove to be a good or a bad thing, depending on the people. I seem to recall a Punjabi carrot pickle that still Lives On in The Memory, believe me.
(Peace to Avatar. He seemed like a lovely person - and with such a lovely name.)
Wow, this post of yours brings back memories. I used to live that life there in Mill Valley and come for a meal at Avatars daily. I remember when it opened. I worked across the street as a massage therapist,(that place is gone now, closed their doors). I loved his food. And even now, a decade or so later, still salivate thinking about it. So sad to know he died. Life is short. Every moment is precious.
I'm sorry; amazing are far smoking's effects are. A nice tribute and kitchen post.
My dad smoked like a chimney our entire childhood. But he smoked cigars. Those don't count, right?
Dennis likes burritos, and jamaican food, so yes!
The pictures made me hungry :-)
I can't stop thinking about what Jamaican-Indian combination would taste like. I bet it's fabulous!
RIP Avatar.
Maybe we could create a Theme Thursday blog and just post once a week with the theme? And then everyone could put the link to their contribution in the comments?
Just an idea...
e: Your post is purrfect just the way it is ; )
We are not challenging one another ya know ; )
nick: It would have been sadder if I found out on the spot ; (
cb: Thanks and for joining in. I haven't seen it yet, but sure its swell the way it is ; )
willow: I saw before I went to work and ha, ha on the avatar ; )
Thanks for joining in too ; )
kimy: It has its followers ; )
reya: Are you for real? They're delicious, especially with the fresh ingredients and it's not like you eat them every day...
squirrel: Well, you might be able to have two meals only.
auntie: Thanks , they are delicious, no tums required ; )
rlb: Thanks, but if I were to tell, anyone who were to make a visit would then not be surprised.
Sorry ; (
epiphany: Yes a great place and true, life is transitory. Thanks for stopping by!
t & t: Thanks and will stop by ; )
kurt: Funny how life is, certain things kill some early, others do the same and live forever, go figure.
dennis: Cheers to ya! ; )
dot com: Thanks for stopping by.
megan: Hey, go 4 it ; )
I added something with a kitchen theme. Interested in seeing next week's theme.
I love kitchens and the small appliances within. But I forgot to prepare a kitchen post.
i have news about coffee farms
Thank you, i will finish the story in the next weeks, so keep in touch!
Thanks for stopping by.
For dinner we had chinese food.
I will pop over Sunday to see next Thursday's Theme.
Thanks for stopping by C.M. It's been a pleasure. Will be along Sunday for the next theme. And as I told C.B.; to talk about a loved one or good friend, is to honour their memory and keep it alive. Avatar may be gone physically, but his memory lives on.
lol. I was going to TRY to keep track of those who made a Them Thursday post and link them on my post. hmm lets see, people to link:
Auntie, aka cagny
dakota bear
who else?
i'm gonna do a theme thursday. when is thursday? what is the theme?
Hello! :)
indian and jamaican sounds fabulous! and the dessert looks amazing
Thanks for all the nice sentiments ; )
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