within you, without you

As long as anyone believes that his
ideal purpose is outside him,
that it is above the clouds,
in the past or in the future,
he will go outside himself and seek
fulfillment where it cannot be found.
He will look for solutions and answers
at every point except
where they can be found,
in himself.
Erich Fromm
see sidebar for February 2
silent Bloggers Poetry Reading
Won't you join in?
HA! well, of course I had to research the topic, right?
rlb: Hey, here's my friend on the west coast:
Love today's song and thought.
In my old community we used to say, "if what you seek you find not within yourself, you will never find it without."
Ain't it the truth!
Great song for this Saturday morning! And perfect paired with your subject today.
IN god we trust.
Great quote.
There was an Erich Fromm quote about true love being the ultimate importance in life, that I found to be so true.To be able to completely share with another human being that unconditional love, makes it easier to seek from within and share with the entire planet . People don't talk much about unconditional love because it has to come from within, and many people only see outside--how others act towards them etc...
I like this one. I'm not up on Fromm, though. I can see I've still a lot to learn. The silent poetry reading looks of interest. Maybe I can dig up something....
Great posting! I am especially interested in your cigar factory graphic--where's it from?
Loved the music, just perfect for the rainy day we're having here today :-)
wow - aphinar does great slides, doesn't he?
I love that quote! Awesome!
Your artwork is wonderful...and may I add stimulating like a cup of coffee?
this quote from Fromm was terrific!
That was lovely, Coffee, thank you! Off to check out the poetry place...
Oh, I guess there isn't one? But I will definitely join in on that.
Cheers and thanks to you and RL for the links to the CBGs!
True enough, my friend.
Hi! C.M.
What a very interesting "saying" or "Quote" from Erich Fromm and the song is very nice too!
DCD ;-)
reya: Seems simple enough ; )
willow: Thanks!
tony: Huh?
kurt: Thanks!
phd: Unconditional Love is certainly something to strive for and nice to attain. Sadly, too many people always want something in return, no matter what. And that's the rub ; (
subtorp77: Those guys are kinda hazey on a lot of things, but there's truth in lots of what they had to say. Looking forward to catching up after work tomorrow on the Poetry ; )
e: Somewhere in Tampa Florida in the year dated.
dot com: I'm looking forward to rain and spring, it's been way too cold here this winter ; (
rlb: He's very good at a lot of things! ; )
colette: That's nice of you to say, Thanks so much ; )
weezie: It's been too long, Thanks. I hope your situation has changed for the better! ; )
megan: They're fun to hear, when played well and sometimes sound better than those expensive gee-tars! ; )
merle: Thanks!
dcd: Thanks for stopping by! Hope all is well ; )
We read Erich Fromm in college and then we read him again. Great quote. Haven't thought of him in years but I believe I still have his most famous book but I can't remember the title.
cg: Thanks for stopping by. So many interesting authors with so many perspectives. No wonder some people are so perplexed ; (
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