Monday, May 10, 2010

until next time

Music washes away from the soul,

the dust of everyday life.

Berthold Auerbach

What makes blogging so enjoyable, not to
mention so time consuming, is when someone
finds you and you're able to strike up a virtual
relationship, knowing full well, if the time came
to meet, you would not be disappointed.
Sam, at Wonders In The Dark is such
a person, and his passion for film, music
and other joys in life emulates from a
community of film reviewers at their blog.
Besides, to read about yourself as others
see you through your blog, is interesting.
Thanks for doing so...........
If you've never been to this site, and want to
learn or read about old/new films, please
check it out:


Megan said...

Oooh, LOTS going on in this one. I will come back when I have more time to study on it...

S. Susan Deborah said...

and the cobwebs too :)

Joy always,

ratatouille's archives said...

Hi! C.M.,and Megan,
Nice quote by Berthold Auerbach...
Nice music by the GooGoo Dolls...
and Nice collage too!
Thanks, for sharing!
DeeDee ;-D

Harnett-Hargrove said...

I resonate with this one ... seems like the core and the mask together. Or am I reading to far? -J

Peter said...

You fully deserve the honor you received today at Wonders in the Dark, Mr. Harford. You're an amazing person.

Coffee Messiah said...

megan: Thanks for popping by.

susan: Yes and Thanks for stopping by.

dd: Thanks too for looking and listening!

hh: I appreciate what you see here. Can't tell you if it's right or wrong ; )

peter: Not sure, but appreciate it and Thanks 2 for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Sam Juliano said...

Michael I can't thank you enough for that warm regard and promotion. You are a true prince among men! The small yellow bubble reminds me of Darren Aronofsky's THE FOUNTAIN, with it's compelling Buddhist underpinnings. But this is going in a number of directions, and I must ponder it further.

Coffee Messiah said...

sam: It's actually from a childrens book from Europe, around 1926 and very hard to find, called "Karls Journey To The Moon."

P11 said...

You are right Miguelito.

Coffee Messiah said...

cafe p: Cheers!

Lori Saul said...

A wonderful collage - really love the black and white for focusing on the imagery. Great storytelling and expression !