Blogswarm - March 19th, 2008

as men develop warless hearts.
Charles Wesley Burns
The single clenched fist lifted and ready,
Or the open hand held out and waiting.
For we meet by one or the other.
Carl Sandburg
links to other participants
untitled protest
country joe and the fish
Hey, Coffee, liked the 'open hand' line but George loves the closed fist!
Don't know if we're going to get through to November without nukes and Iran and all. It's strange to be waiting each day for the television to explode into BREAKING NEWS!
The affairs of Mice and Men. Give me mice anytime!
david: Yes, I try to not think about his last few months "tap dancing" around! ; (
And totally agree about the "mice!"
Great Song for the Blogswarm CM ;)
"And we send cards and letters."
Maybe some day Coffee, maybe some day, but I'm positive it will never stem from the Carnies currently running this Dog and Pony Show.
dusty:SO many to choose from, but felt this appropriate.
fairlane: A three 3 ring circus it is! ; (
When will those warless hearts develop is the question? Doesn't look like anytime soon.
I feel the same as david g, I just think at some point I'll turn on the TV and we are at war with Iran.
awesome post!
Hi Coffee.Here is my 'umble offering.
Peace and more!
Thanks for Country Joe.
Warless hearts and mice.
mary: Sadly, as long as young and other people get in line to follow the leaders in going to War, it indeed will never stop. I firmly believe we are all in it together if we decide to go and fight for no real reason! ; (
I'm just sayin'............
let's: Man, it just can't happen again! ; (
mandy: Thanks for singing up and yours was a good one too!
tony: Thanks for sharing your post from across the waters!
nick: It's a song as sad as I feel about all the death and destruction and I'm not talking about here in the usa! ; (
decker: ; (
Thanks for stopping by!
great post....and you even had Country Joe...and thank you for honoring the terrible day...
e4e: Thanks for stopping by and hey, keep working on 6-6! ; )
I'm sorry I missed this one. I seem to be missing much lately. I know I miss you.
Thanks for the comment last time. I've not yet responded - somehow I'm finding resistance to write on my blog lately. Not for lack of ideas but just - dunno. Trying to prepare myself - this is silly of me I know. Just sit and write but ...
Anyways, I miss all y'all, everyone. Wishing all peace, serenity and some modicum of joy in there. :)
Always love, always peace.
(sneak peak, note the newest addy)
ruby: Glad to see you are doing well! Thanks for leaving the link and will seek it out soon!
Cheers, to You & Yours!
I like Emily and Henry. good people!
bd: I didn't see you sneak in here, but glad you came by. It was an excellent 1st meeting and the espresso was most excellent!
Not interested in the truth?
It does get in the way of reality.
Why would someone that uses the website IraqBodyCount feel the need to intimidate and go after anyone on this blog?
Its sad that anyone who has the audacity to use that website as their link is so confrontational.
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